Dear supporters.
Since the disapperance of our beloved Jon, we have received countless messages of encouragement and empathy from friends and strangers alike and these have played a key role in keeping us going through this very difficult time.
We have also received dozens of messages from people who identify themselves as mediums or clairvoyants claiming to have important information about Jon‘s whereabouts. As the days go by, the messages grow in number and they all point in different directions.
We sincerely ask that if you are a medium or clairvoyant and believe that you have important information for us passed on to you from a spirit or anyone who is no longer with us, or you had an enlightenment or vision and believe you know where Jon is, we gently ask you to NOT pass this information on to us yourself or ask other people to do so. We respect your beliefs and way of life, but if you were in our shoes you might understand how extremely hurtful it is to get a message every few days from people who claim that our dear brother is trapped under a boulder in a mine or worse. In the highly unlikely event that we want the assistance of mediums, clairvoyants, or other people with supernatural abilities, we will seek them out ourselves.
However, if you have any information regarding real-life encounters with Jon, you have seen him since his disappearance, or have important information regarding the time leading up to or after his disappearance, please message us here on Facebook, email us on findjon@gmail.com, or call the Gardaí Ballymun Police Station line on +353 (0)1 666 44000. No matter how insignificant you think the information is, it might just help us get closer to finding Jon.
With love and gratitude,
Jon‘s family